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ACE Program

Accelerated Christian Education was founded in 1970 by Dr. Donald Howard and his wife Esther. They set about developing a Biblically literalist educational curriculum that was adopted by a number of private Christian schools. Dr. Howard traveled extensively to promote ACE schools, viewing the establishment of ACE schools around the world as a new form of missions—he called it educational missions. According to information on the Accelerated Christian Education website, the Howards opened the first school to use the ACE program in Garland, Texas. They started with 45 students. By 1971, they had added six new schools.

ACE provides annual one-day training sessions for administrators. The sessions focus on understanding and properly implementing the ACE program. The ACE program is individualized, non-graded, and designed to allow students to work at their own level of achievement. The core curriculum is an individualized, Biblically-based, character-building curriculum package. The material for the classes has an emphasis reflecting the Christian ideas and principles of the company. The program allows students to advance through high school. The Accelerated Christian Education curriculum is based on a series of workbooks called PACEs, which stands for Packets of Accelerated Christian Education. Each subject has 12 PACEs per grade level. The basic subjects of ACE are Math, English, Science, Social Studies, and Word Building (spelling and word usage).

ACE – Accelerated Christian Education