About Us
About Us

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The school is governed by a Faith Christian School Board and the Board of Trustees of Faith Center Church. The school is overseen by the Adelaide Christian Schools Board which provides accountability and support.


  • Bring glory to God in all of its activities.
  • Act as an extension to the family unit and help fulfil the mandate of parents to train their children in the ways of the Lord.
  • Train and encourage the children in Godly character.
  • Produce effective communicators to be disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ in order to go into the world and preach the gospel.
  • Develop the students to their full potential in order to serve firstly God and then mankind.
  • Develop Godly leaders that will have influence and motivate others.
  • Provide standards of excellence in spiritual, emotional, physical and academic areas.

Please download the attached file for further information about Faith Christian School.